Castlecrag Medical Practice uses HotDoc to provide online booking of appointments via our website or the simple and friendly HotDoc app. All you need is a HotDoc account, which can be set up simply and quickly while making your first online booking.
All you need to get started is an email address and mobile number. During the account creation process you’ll also enter your surname and date of birth. These should match the details you have provided the practice, provided you’ve been in before.
If you look below to our online booking table, you’ll see all of our doctors and their first available appointments. Simply click ‘Book appointment’, or view your preferred doctor, and follow the prompts from there. You’ll choose whether you’re booking an appointment for yourself or someone else as well as the type of appointment you need. Once set, you’ll be shown the available times and can make your preferred appointment.
To add a particular practice or doctor to the HotDoc app homescreen for easy access in the future, simply click the heart icon on their page to add them as a preferred practitioner. See this page for detailed instructions.
For help setting up an account, head over to the HotDoc website here. If you’d like to use the app, you can download the iPhone version from the App Store here, or the Android version from the Google Play store here.